Images during discussion of Siva-Buddha in Bali and the Launching of Forum of I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa held on 28th May 2017 at Gerya Taman Pindaan, Kemenuh, Gianyar, Bali
Posted: 24. 07. 2017 | Author: Admin
Category: Pictures
Dignitaries and priests presented their views. Top left: Ida Pedanda Putra Bajing. Top left: Ida Pedanda Wayan Tyanyar. Down Left: Ida Dalem Klungkung, and blow right : AA. Ary Dwipayana.
Two Balinese priests of Saiva (left) and Bauddha (right).
Presenters : IBG Agastia (left) spoke on “Sekali Lagi Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” and Ida Wayan Oka Granoka (right) spoke on “Tarka Tarpana Saji Siwa Buddha Nusantara Bali”
I Gst Made Ngurah, moderator (left) and presenter IB. Putu Suamba (right) spoke on “Memahami Penyatuan Siwa-Buddha Indonesia: Aspek-aspek Filsafatnya.
Priests the participants of the discussion.
Priests and dignitaries were listening to the paper presentations