The Power of Word
Author: Admin | Category: Wisdom
Vasita nimittanta manemu laksmi /
Vasita nimitattanta pati kapangguh /
Vasita nimitattanta manemu duhka /
Vasita nimitattanta manemu mitra // Nitisastra, V: 3, p. 36.
[Utterances can cause one to experience happiness. It can also cause to have death, to experience suffering, and to have friends].
Words / utterances (vasita) are very powerful. It can change the world like the words / utterances / speeches of great philosopher, scientist, politician, prophet, artist, etc. They contain strong message, which may have effects on the psyche of people. Great words come only out of great mind and personality; it never comes out a foolish mind. Of the power, it is like a sword, which depends on the person who uses it. Likewise, utterances depend on mind as the controller of senses. One should be careful in uttering any words especially when the mind is not focused or psychologically unstable. One should take any important decision in the state of depressed or unstable mind because it can have a bad impact on oneself and/or others. It can cause to experience happy-sorrow, friend-enemy, lost-profit, life-death, etc. When we know that one usually dislikes bad, harsh or dirty words, which cause unpleasant, uncomfortable and even irritated feelings, so do not say them. Control the tongue through controlling the mind (manas). On the contrary, say sweet or tender words full of wisdom to other because everyone likes them. It shows that basically or by nature everyone is sweet, tender, and lover of peace. It is like sweet food / drink everyone likes, whereas bitter food no one likes it. When we are angry, avoid saying anything which may cause bad, unpleasant even dangerous effect. Do not take any decision when you are angry or depressed. Wait until we are calm and stable. Take deep breath or go away for some times from the things / person to which/whom you are angry with. A good idea when expressed in rude / bad manner or bad words causes bad effect, fatality or even death. Find a good way / manner, nice words, and proper time in expressing ideas; otherwise it can be misunderstood or devalued by others. Be habituated to utter sweet words and avoid bad one. Owing to this fact, utterances should be controlled through controlling mind. When mind is uncontrolled, words can cause insult and other bad feelings on others. Happiness, friends, enemy or even death is, thus, caused by word***.
26 Aug 2016